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Custom Yamaha SR400 Bobber

Check out this epic Yamaha SR400 Bobber that I was so excited to work on that ended up a sad story I never got to finish. Creating something different is...

2020 Indian Scout Bobber Custom
4 Kommentare
Honda Chopper CB900 - Our First Custom Chopper

It was inevitable that Purpose Built Moto would build a custom Chopper one day. All we needed was someone to trust us and see the care we put into our...

3 Kommentare
Yamaha XV250 Bobber- a custom touch on a well loved commuter

Dylan kontaktierte mich, nachdem er es ein wenig satt hatte, seine XV250 als Daily Rider in den Schatten zu stellen; Als ziemlich großer Kerl brauchte er etwas mehr Platz zum...

2 Kommentare