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Project Delta Build Ep. 2 – Fabrication Advances & First Test Fit

Episode 2 dives into the finer points of fabrication—from one-off brackets to the custom girder front end. Watch as the Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 rolls under its own power...

Project Delta Build Ep. 1 – From Crate Arrival to First Cuts

In Episode 1, our Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 arrives fresh in its crate, ready for a complete reimagining. See how we tear it down and chart our path to...

A Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 Transformation | Royal Enfield Custom World - Project Delta

Project Delta isn’t just another custom job—it’s a milestone build for Purpose Built Moto. Discover how we merged old-school inspiration with modern engineering to create a truly unique Royal Enfield...

Project Delta: The Complete Royal Enfield Custom Journey

Explore the complete narrative of Project Delta—the Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 build that pushed our skills to new heights. This in-depth story recounts every milestone, from the first teardown...

Shannons Dream Bike Build Episode 5: Final Assembly

Things are really heating up with our Honda CB550 Dream Bike. Right now all the puzzle pieces are on the table, we just have to carefully place them in the...