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Motorcycle Leather Hand Grips- and how to make them

Wrapping the hand grips in leather was my only option. I had some offcuts from the seat, so I wrapped my handlebars up….. They were worse than useless…. Providing no...

6 Kommentare
Installing a Fender mounted LED brake light

Erfahren Sie in dieser Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wie Sie ein am Kotflügel montiertes LED-Bremsrücklicht und Blinker einfach installieren. Entdecken Sie eine clevere Möglichkeit, eine Heckklappe/Plattenhalterung und ein Rücklicht in einem zu integrieren,...

7 Kommentare
How to make a Motorcycle Fork Brace

Regardless of the legality and practicality of this modification, removing the front fender of your bike is just something people do. Feel free to comment below and tell me how stupid it...

4 Kommentare
3 in 1 LED turn signal install Sportster

Harley-Davidson Sportster 3 in 1 LED turn signal install. Purpose Built Moto’s 3 in 1 turn/brake/tail lights have been immensely popular with Harley riders. In particular Sportster riders have taken...

6 Kommentare
Black Box V2 Motorbike control unit

Purpose Built Moto- Black Box V2- Motorcycle electrics module. A small Aluminium case full of magic. Our latest iteration of the Black Box motorcycle control unit is packed with even...

3 Kommentare