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Best Aftermarket Brakes For Your Cafe Racer

At Purpose Built Moto, we're excited to introduce HEL Performance's range of brake and clutch components, including their renowned brake master cylinders and clutch perches. Perfect for cafe racers and...

The Ducati 900ss in Carbon Fiber

This 1984 Ducati 900SS cafe racer arrived at Purpose Built Moto ready for its final touches. With a rebuilt engine, polished wheels, and a distinct carbon fiber body kit, our...

Royal Enfield Interceptor Scrambler

Discover the transformation of a Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 at Purpose Built Moto. From a wide wheel conversion to custom leather grips and upgraded lighting, we dive into the details...

Conondale Classic Weekend 2024

The Conondale Classic Weekend on Queensland's Sunshine Coast is a must-attend for vintage motocross lovers. Held at the historic Green Park, this 3-day festival offers riders the chance to push...

1976 FL Shovelhead Air-ride Progress

At Purpose Built Moto, we love trying new things. When a client requested a 1976 FL Shovelhead chopper with a twist – a hidden air ride system – we were...

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2024 Distinguished Gentlemans Ride

Embrace your inner Don Draper! The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride (DGR) is a worldwide event where motorcycle enthusiasts don their dapper finest and cruise for a cause – men's health. This...

The Yamaha XT500 Scrambler  - Tribute To VMX

Revisiting the nostalgia of the Yamaha XT500, we've elevated this classic with modern upgrades and a touch of vintage flair. Check out the comprehensive build from high-performance engine mods to meticulously...

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