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Honda XL500 Scrambler

Explore how we transformed a classic 1981 Honda XL500 into a “Retrocross” scrambler, blending authentic vintage motocross aesthetics with modern performance enhancements. From big-bore engine upgrades and precision-tuned suspension to...

End Of Year Recap
Mid Year Update 2024

It's been a pretty solid first half of the year with the shop busier than ever. So I wanted to give you a quick update on what's been happening here at Purpose...

Universal Mirrors for Your Motorcycle

Looking for a universal motorcycle mirror that fits any bike? Purpose Built Moto’s updated Scrambler Mirrors are designed for versatile mounting on lever pivots or bar ends, with compatibility for...

Universal Fit Motorcycle Mirrors

Looking for a universal motorcycle mirror that fits any bike? Purpose Built Moto’s updated Scrambler Mirrors are designed for versatile mounting on lever pivots or bar ends, with compatibility for...

History of the Chopper

Chopper motorcycles are iconic symbols of freedom and individuality with a history rooted in post-war innovation. This article delves into their origins, distinctive design elements, and the vibrant custom culture...

New Merch for 2025!
2024 EICMA Our Picks

The EICMA 2024 show in Milan showcased a stunning array of motorcycles, concepts, and cutting-edge technology that are set to define the future of motorcycling. From Honda’s innovative V3 engine...