Gold Coast Riders Day
A huge custom bike meet every 6 months just isn’t enough for our ride hungry community. After fielding a ton of questions about when the next Motosocial event was on, I decided that we needed something to hold our growing community over! We devised a day of great venues, some hilarious axe throwing, and a sunset beer at the beach to top it all off.

The crew at Lumberpunks Gold Coast have recently set up shop and have been hosting a ton of people wanting to try their arm at this incredibly amusing sport. Motosocial saw a perfect fit for our thrill seekers and the event was soon set up! Offering a deal you couldn’t refuse for anyone riding with Motosocial on their custom street bikes we rolled in there and turned the place out!

Mo’s desert clubhouse and Black Hops Beer was generous enough to host the start of our ride and donate proceeds from beer sales to the Movember foundation. After a quick beer and an exchange of bullshit stories we headed towards the main event for the afternoon. With a reduced crew due to the weather our 20 strong group wound their way north from Burleigh to Miami on a mix of 2 wheeled machines representing a host of Marques from 1950’s Harley Davidson through A few 80’s model Suzuki Café Racers and a battered and beaten triumph scrambler.

Arriving from our short ride to Lumber Punks GC we were greeted with the smell of Pine, a bunch of Flanno clad lads and the coveted wall of axes. The boys ran us through some quick tips to make sure we were getting the most out of it and then let us wreak havoc on their poor timber walls. If you’re sitting on the fence about this whole axe throwing phenomenon, go try it! I was skeptical to be honest but it is one of the most fun filled and hilarious afternoons I’ve had in a long time.

Once our arms were sore and no-ones axes were sticking we said our goodbyes to the boys, and headed north once again for a sunset beer at Sandbar. With some select VIP parking outside the venue our bikes enjoyed a heap of attention from passers by along the Surfer Paradise Boulevard. Some great food was had over a bunch of laughs and a beer or 2 before it was all wrapped up!

Thanks to all those that contributed and came a long. Your support makes it possible and drives us to put on bigger and better events!
If you’d be interested in hosting a motosocial event at your venue, cafe, brewery etc please send me an email!

Purpose Built Moto is home for unique custom motorcycle builds. We offer a unique motorcycle customizing experience in the heart of the Gold Coast.