The Purpose built moto build process
Since our beginning we've carved out a unique space in custom motorcycles and developed a distinctive DNA with our hand built motorcycle designs. Blending artistry with clever engineering.
Purpose Built Moto handles your complete build in house with the exception of paint. This means we can control your build with a sharp eye on high quality and style right to completion. Creating motorcycles that make any rider want to rip the throttle and ride.

motorcycles built with passion
To start the conversation about your own hand built motorcycle, get in touch with as little or as much detail as you like. Our build process is easy and transparent. The best part about a custom motorcycle is there is no road map to your destination.
We can completely redesign your motorcycle, or add a few select custom touches. Source that bike of your dreams or revive a family heirloom! Brand new, or starting with a box of parts, it's all the same to us - WE JUST LOVE MOTORCYCLES!

we're ready to build your dream bike
The skills held within Purpose Built Moto are broad enough to handle any design challenges with confidence. Our strength comes in creativity, and the build approach we take with every client, tailoring the experience to your needs and delivering motorcycles that excite the senses.

We have a huge gallery of custom builds that spans decades.