In my time I’ve built a host of scramblers, and as happy as I was with them. There was one part that I was never truely satisfied with… The Mirrors! What do you do for scrambler mirrors!?

Any off the shelf components don’t fit right, off road style mirrors are horrible fold away plastic garbage and the universal bar ends don’t suit either. Bar end mirrors look at home on a more street suited bike, but the idea of having mirrors hanging off the end of your bars for passing branches to pic up, never really felt right.

During my SR400 Scrambler build, I wanted to try something new with the mirrors. So I jumped online and bought a heap of different styles.
After  few trails this is the Idea I landed on and am super happy with both the look, and the functionality! This simple mirror modification uses some inexpensive and easily available bar end mirrors. It’s an easy process to run through, and the results match the style of any scrambler, or tracker and work really well.

What you’ll need:

  • Hacksaw or air saw
  • Center punch
  • 5mm drill bit + Pilot bit
  • Battery drill
  • Bench vice
  • M6 Tap + Tap wrench
  • Thread Locker (med strength)
  • M6 spring washer x 2
  • 1 x pair of 3” bar end mirrors (style shown)

This process is dead simple, but the bench vice is essential for accuracy here so make sure you use it!
Lets get started.

1. Check your levers and disassemble the mirror assembly
Firstly check your mirror pivot bolts, they should be M6 and have at least 10mm of thread showing to fix your mirrors to. Disassemble your bar end mirrors, you will only need the mirror section and the connecting arm. The rest can be thrown in the scrap bin for recycling. Seperate the mirror section from the arm and set the mirror aside.

2. Trim a section of the mirror arm off.

The mirror arm has a section of smaller diameter that the grub screw from the old bar end fitting clamps down on. That small section needs to be trimmed off, and filed to a flat section. Do this on both mirror arms evenly so your scrambler mirrors sit nice and symmetrical when you fit them up.

3. Mark, center punch and drill the mirror arms

Once the arm has been trimmed, you need to mark the center of the trimmed off face and center punch it ready to drill down the length of the mirror arm. Set the mirror arm in the vice so it’s easy to keep your drill level and straight. I usually find that drilling 20-25 mm down the mirror arm is plenty.

4. Thread the mirror arm.

Run a tap down inside the hole you’ve just drilled, usually 2 passes will be needed to clear the swarf and make sure the thread goes as far as it can. Once the thread is cut, I’ll use a little carb cleaner to flush out any left over cutting compound and swarf. If there’s cutting compound left, the thread locker is next to useless. you don’t want those scrambler mirrors rattling off mid ride!

5. Remove the locking nut and fit your mirror arm.

You can remove the locking nut on the under side of your brake and clutch lever, essentially your mirror arm will now act as the locking nut. Take a drop of thread locker, and put it on the M6 thread before fitting up the mirror arm and spring washer.
The mirror arm might not land exactly where it needs to first time around. Adjust the lever pivot bolt until the mirror arm is in the right position when its tight.

6. Fit the mirror assembly and adjust to suit

Tighten the mirror onto the mirror arm and adjust to your desire!

I stumbled upon this idea after beating my head against a brick wall trying to figure out the best way to mount scrambler mirrors. Stoked I landed on this one and I can now share it with you!

If you liked this idea, share it around, and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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5 kommenttia

Sorry Rob, we dont offer these as a product. I think if you follow our guidelines you’ll surprise yourself and get the job done.


hi tom! great job!
would you be willing to make and sell me a pair of this mirrors?? of course the shipping fees wuld be on me as wel… let me know, imvery interested and dont have the tools and im not sure to trust my just basic skills!!


Awesome! No words. You always go one step beyond.

There is so much great, useful information here. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Read our guide if you wish.

Thanks again :)

ash green

Hey Mate,

They are a generic bar end mirror available from a lot of suppliers online


Hi Tom,
this is an excellent solution! Can you please tell me where you got the mirrors?
With thanks and best regards from Reykjavik,

Jón Kaldal

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